"Gone Rogue" Camping Car Show
Now is the time to plan for this show. We were robbed last year due to the fires. So lets make it happen this year. "Gone Rogue" will be the 22nd and 23rd of September, at the Campgrounds of Indian Mary off I5 Exit 61. Reservations can be made here: https://www.camplife.com/819/reservation/step1.
Friday night will set up camp, settle in and greet each other. Saturday will be the main day for show and events. Then the Potluck on Saturday Night. Details are still being worked out, stay tuned. If anyone have any question, please feel free to reply to this post.
Date and Time
Friday Sep 22, 2023 Sunday Sep 24, 2023
September 22nd-24th
Indian Mary County Park
7100 Merlin-Galice Rd,
Merlin, OR 97532