Considering government agency contracting as a new business opportunity? Planning to expand current government contracting business Join us for a free Expo (RSVP required)
8AM - Registration; Coffee & Continental Breakfast
9 AM - Program Begins: Government Contracting Presentations
12:30 PM - Box Lunch and Meet Agency representatives
2 PM - Adjourn
Representatives who can assist you to learn about government contracting (confirmed to date): * Government Contracting Assistance Program (GCAP) *Small Business Administration * Oregon Buys * US Department of Veteran Affairs * US Army Corp of Engineers * Oregon Department of Transportation * Oregon Department of Corrections * Josephine County * City of Grants Pass * Rogue Community College *Small Business Development Center Why you should attend: * Learn about government contracting opportunities for your business * Build relationships and network with government contract buyers and business experts * Learn about free, confidential advising available to business owners
Speaker(s): Federal, State & Local Government Contracting Representatives Co-Sponsor(s): Oregon GCAP, Rogue Community College, SBDC
Wednesday May 15, 2024
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM PDT
Wednesday, May 15
8:00 AM to 2:00PM
Rogue Auditorium R Building
3345 Redwood Highway
Grants Pass.
Free, RSVP Required
Ruth Swain | Director
RCC | Small Business Development Center
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PO Box 970, Grants Pass, OR 97528 – 541-476-7717 –