MUSIX - Rock Band Winter Concert & Album Release PARTY!
The MUSIX rock band will perform their winter concert on Thursday, March 13th at 7:30pm. TBD Location. Directed by Dr. Derek Keller. $15/ general admission/ $10 seniors. Free for SOU Faculty, Staff, and Students.
Livestream - ABOUT MUSIX & the MIPS Program at SOU Students in MUSIX are performers, producers, composers, lyricists, and audio engineers. All of the music you will hear tonight is original. Over the course of every term, MUSIX members pair up, or consolidate into sub-groups to create music in a variety of ways. Some who read music will partner with those who intuit music, and vice-versa. The music is sometimes created through an improvisational, or “by rote” fashion. Other times it is completely conceived, written out and prepared by a single individual for further development and rehearsal by a band. The MIP Lab is equipped with session mixers that allow up to 5 players to plug in and monitor themselves while rehearsing. Dr. Terry Longshore, head of percussion at SOU, has mentioned gleefully that it is bit like "blissful chaos" when observing the lab full of songwriters, and two bands rehearsing at the same time in two different keys, tempos, and singers - the session mixers allow for near totally isolation through the players' headphones! All of MUSIX's compositional approaches, this music is aimed towards preparing an evening-length concert or to produce audio recordings worthy of release to the masses. Tonight's concert will feature music from our catalog and several new songs owing to our growing collective of students.
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 13, 2025
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
Thursday, March 13th
SOU Music Recital Hall
450 S. Mountain Ave
Ashland, OR 97520
$15 general admission
$10 seniors
Complimentary for SOU Faculty, Staff, and Students.
Contact Information
Kim Andresen
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