Operation Joy
The Grants Pass & Josephine County Chamber of Commerce is very excited to continue with the Annual Operation Joy program again this year.
Due to the constant fluctuation of residents in care, we have decided to forgo putting names on the cards. Instead, please address cards in a general format such as:
Dear Friend, Dear Neighbor, etc.
Thanks to generous community donations, blank holiday cards for this program are available at the Chamber located at 1995 NE Vine Street, Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm. We invite groups, organizations, clubs, classes, and families to personalize cards for these deserving seniors.
We have (4) Resident lists to choose from; you are welcome to address cards for one facility or opt to do cards for more or even all the lists. *Please be sure to indicate which facility the cards are designate for. Completed cards need to be returned to the Chamber by Wednesday, December 20th. Thank you for your support!
For questions, please call 541-226-3101 or email cswafford@grantspasschamber.org
Oak Lane
- 65 Residents
Royal Gardens
- 80 Residents
Regency Care
- 50 Residents
Highland House
- 85 Residents

Date and Time
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM PST
Cards due by 5:00pm on
December 20, 2023
GP & JOCO Chamber of Commerce
1995 NW Vine St.
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Contact Information
Christie Swafford 541-226-3101
Send Email