Raffle-American Legion Market
American Legion Grants Pass Post 28 located at 206 NW F St, Grants Pass will be hosting a Raffle for Cascade Pro 30 Gun Safe. The Drawing will take place on December 22nd at the annual Christmas Dinner. You need not be present to win. You do not need to purchase a ticket for the dinner to attend the raffle.
Raffle tickets price is $20 each and 3 for $50.
Exterior dimensions: 55" high, 25" wide, 20" deep.
Interior dimensions: 52.5" high, 23" wide, 14.5" deep.
The safe weighs in at 350lbs empty. Has an Electronic Keypad Bypass Key. Floor Anchor Components, Dehumidifier. External Power Cord and Owners Manual included.
Cash only, no credit or debit cards.
Proceeds from the raffle will go towards a Kitchen Hood.

Date and Time
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday, December 22nd
Cash only
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