Strings Attached

Tickets on sale NOW at!
Join us for an evening of music and art as we raise funds for District 7's middle school Honor Orchestra!
Enjoy two musical performances by Honor Orchestra students! Browse and purchase fine art/merchandise from members of the Hivve Art Hubb and other participating artists!
And buy raffle tickets for your chance to take home one or more exciting prizes!
And buy raffle tickets for your chance to take home one or more exciting prizes!
50% of proceeds from event ticket and the raffle to benefit the honor orchestra & 50% to sister nonprofits Rogue Writers Collective & Hivve Art Hubb
Strings-themed artwork by Steven Swift
Strings Attached
Date and Time
Friday Jan 24, 2025
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM PST
Friday, January 24th
Grant Pass Vitality Center
234 SW L St