Teen Holiday Dance
Connected Teens microschool is hosting this free event for teens between the ages of 12-18! We'll provide snacks, games, crafts, music, and pizza. Come on time if you want to ensure food will be available.
An area for parents will be available for those who want to hang out. If you'd like to drop off your teen, we'll have a waiver for you to sign.
***FYI- We are not affiliated with Joe's Place and are not a Christian school. Joe's Place will be having their own Christmas party this day elsewhere, so it will just be the Connected Teens crew and friends. We are super appreciative of this opportunity to have this event inside such a warm and accommodating place!***
Teen Holiday Dance
Date and Time
Friday Dec 20, 2024
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM PST
Friday, December 20th
1205 R. River Hwy