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Marketing Consultants

About Us

Are you a successful but overworked business owner or executive of a growing company?

Are you passionate about your industry, but bogged-down with the minutiae of your business?

Are you looking to overcome...
- competition that is strangling the marketplace - even
- unpredictable government regulations, taxes and tariffs?
- the mental/emotional/spiritual drain that you are shackled with as the leader of your growing company?
- a lackluster, pointless social media presence?
- poor return on pay-per-click advertising?
- one-time buyers who never return or refer their friends?
- low traffic that fails to convert to sales?
- random shipping costs and delivery demands that dramatically shrink your profit margins?

I can help.

I've been helping companies overcome marketing, infrastructure and management problems since 2007.

While, I work with international corporations (Sony, Microsoft, Jaguar, etc.), I truly enjoy purchasing and partnering with local businesses in Southern Oregon the most.

Let's chat!

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Brian J. Pombo
9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business by Brian J. Pombo

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Brian J. Pombo
Business Investor & Growth Strategist