Fruitdale Grange #379

Associations, Clubs & Member Organizations
Regular Grange meetings are the 4th Saturday of the Month, 10:30 am with a potluck social afterward.
Driving Directions:
Corner of Parkdale Drive and Rogue River Highway 99
Adjacent to Grover's Electric
About Us
Founded in 1907, the Fruitdale Grange is located at the corner of Rogue River Highway and Parkdale Drive. Built on the Mormon Beet Factory site, you can still find rubble from the factory under the Grange Hall. The Hall itself has been revitalized and is a popular place in the Community to hold small to medium sized functions.
But as with any Grange, it's not the Hall that makes a Grange, it’s the members. The Fruitdale Grange is always seeking individuals, families, and businesses that believe in working together to build a strong community and find the solutions to meet the needs of our community.
If you’d like to join our Grange, we’d like to meet you!
Oregon Granges support communities. We are family friendly, nonpartisan, nonsectarian, with membership open to all. With roots in our community, we bring neighbors together to meet local needs.
WE WANT YOU! Fruitdale Grange is your local community Grange with volunteers that spend countless hours making our Hall a social center for our community. There are 27 organizations/groups that meet here on a monthly basis. Please check out the calendar to see if something is of interest to you. We have times available during the morning/afternoons for others groups to meet here. Please let us know if yours would like details.
We invite you to join us each month on the 4th Saturday for our monthly meeting. Our Meeting begins at 10:30 am, please be early, followed by a potluck and social time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.