New Hope Christian School

Schools, Colleges & Education
- 5961 New Hope Rd Grants Pass OR 97527
- (541) 476-4588
- (541) 474-7626
- Send Email
7:30 am - 4:00 pm during the school year
Driving Directions:
Coming from downtown Grants Pass, head out 238/Williams Hwy and turn right on New Hope Rd. The school is on the left, just past the 3 mile marker.
About Us
Why Choose New Hope?
New Hope Christian School is accredited in grades K-12 through COGNIA, a non-profit, non-governmental organization that accredits primary and secondary schools throughout the US and internationally. We invite you to read more about it in our Accreditation and more about our Testing Standards on our website
We think there are a lot of reasons to choose New Hope for your family. Here are just some of the reasons to choose New Hope Christian School.
As you consider the option of a Christian education, the Christian Law Association has created a simple, yet powerful brochure, “8 Benefits of a Christian Education“.
Graduation Success
New Hope Christian School has a 99.9% graduation rate. This far exceeds the Oregon public schools’ 68% graduation completion, which is ranked 49th of all states (according to the 2012 US Education Department statistics and as reported in the April 29, 2014 issue of The Daily Courier).
Kindergarten through 12th Grade Traditional Classes
For the littlest of ones to those preparing for graduation, we have the courses and programs that are suited for the needs of your child.
Sports Program
The sports that we offer to our middle school (5th-8th grades) and high school students are girls’ volleyball, boys’/girls’ basketball, and track and field.
Small Classes For Personalized Attention
Most of our classes average 15 students to 1 teacher. These smaller class sizes provide individual attention for each student to make sure they are getting the most out of the material that is being taught.
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Rep/Contact Info
Kerrie Chamberlain
- Phone: (541) 821-8419
- Fax: (541) 474-7626
- 5961 New Hope Road Grants Pass Oregon 97527
Marsha Grush
Asst Administrator
- Phone: (541) 476-4588
- Fax: (541) 474-7626
- 5961 New Hope Rd Grants Pass OR 97527
Megan Moritz
- Phone: (541) 476-4588
- Fax: (541) 474-7626
- 5961 New Hope Rd Grants Pass OR 97527