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Project Youth+

Project Youth+

Education/TrainingNon-Profit Organization

About Us

Project Youth+ prepares low-income, first-generation and underrepresented youth to thrive in school, college and careers.

We use resilience-development strategies that are personalized to meet the strengths, preferences, and challenges of each individual.

Our Project Youth+ advisors and coaches provide long-term school outreach services year-round to build healthy relationships, establish a college-going peer culture, promote academic excellence, introduce key success skills, and facilitate interactive group activities from a grade-by-grade College & Career Curriculum.

Based in Grants Pass, Oregon, we serve youth in Josephine, Jackson, and Douglas Counties with funding from school districts, state and federal contracts, private and corporate grants, and individual and business donors.


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Rep/Contact Info

Mary-Lynne Derocher
Grant Writer
Carl Thomas
Executive Director
Lili Vargas
Community Resource Specialist